Friday, November 25, 2005

internation news, test of writely, etc

Greetings and salutations on "black Friday"

I had my share of turkey and dressing yesterday and, well, not a whole lot more to report about yesterday--- except to say that we're still here in San Antonio today. Rosie has gone off bargain hunting with her mother and younger sister Katie and I'm back at the in-laws place playing online.

-- First news about this post worth mentioning-- it's my first real test of a free ajax/online based word processing/blogging tool called writely--- check it out at -- so far it looks promising. --- an article about the current fiasco in Iraq-- very well worth reading... to briefly summarize: The writer argues simultaneously that our presence in Iraq is a GOOD thing BUT that the Bush administration probably did lie to get us into this mess and is continuing to mishandle things egregiously. --- Apparently Brittain just recently legalized civil unions for same sex couples, and, not surprisingly, Elton John is one of the first in line. Read the article for more details.

Sat through the new "Charlie and the Chocolate factory" with the in-laws yesterday. Compared to the first movie version (the one with Gene Wilder) the Johnny Depp version does not stand up to multiple viewings very well -- imho.